Written by

Samantha Wright
May 14, 2024


  • Sustainability
  • Blog

Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity, is committed to making a positive impact within our community. Through our partnership with British Land, we’ve expanded our community outreach initiatives, providing enriching experiences for our team while fostering a beneficial social impact for local youth.

Nurturing future talent

British Land has been key in enhancing Trend Micro’s connections with local schools, facilitated by a dedicated Social Impact Manager at Paddington Central who acts as a bridge between customers and community partners.

At first, they facilitated our involvement in internet safety sessions in schools, and this helped us widen the reach of our Internet Safety for Kids and Family programme. This initiative aligns with our global mission of reaching 4 million children, parents and educators – crucial in today’s digital age.

Recognising our commitment to social impact, British Land has presented us with more and more opportunities. These include hosting work experience placements, welcoming young people into our office, supporting career events and organising tech career sessions, including an event to encourage future women in tech, inspired by our CEO Eva Chen for students from St Marylebone CE School.

I can really see some of these students pursuing careers in tech and maybe even joining our team in the future.

When students visit our offices, their initial uncertainty changes into engagement and enthusiasm through interactions with our team. Their experiences with us leave a lasting impression, which is lovely to witness when I see them and catch up with them at other events.

Growing our office culture

Our involvement in community projects around Paddington Central is enriching our office culture. Seeing colleagues, from account managers to recent recruits, volunteer with enthusiasm shows the positive impact of these initiatives. Against the backdrop of our hybrid work model, these projects are a unifying activity, fostering collaboration and camaraderie among team members. They provide an additional incentive for office attendance, thereby strengthening our sense of community.

Bringing businesses together

British Land distinguishes itself through its efforts to foster connections among businesses. Trend Micro’s participation in the Paddington Central Community Fund, which unites various enterprises to support local charities and projects, exemplifies this collaborative spirit. In addition, our involvement in IDEA Paddington (the diversity, equality, and inclusion network) further strengthens our ties within the community.

Enjoying new experiences

In recent years, I’ve had the privilege of engaging in many fulfilling experiences, made possible by Trend Micro and British Land. During the pandemic, I facilitated discussion groups for isolated elderly people. I have also been volunteering with the Access Project and tutoring Spanish A Level students at King Solomon Academy, which has been such a rewarding experience. I also fulfilled a personal aspiration of mine by teaching English to children in Sri Lanka, supported by donations from colleagues and the British Land team.

My journey continues as I press ahead in exploring opportunities to serve as a school governor and/or charity trustee, inspired by Adonica Simmons, Senior Social Impact Lead at British Land. Her encouragement has given me the confidence to leverage my skills for greater impact on society and community.

Giving it a go

To those considering volunteering, I urge you to take the leap. Likewise, for organisations yet to engage in community outreach, I encourage you to start. The benefits extend beyond employee wellbeing, also showing tangible social impact. Even without financial contributions, organisations possess valuable expertise and resources they can offer.

By sharing our office space with local groups for events and training, we maximise the collective impact of our efforts. And with the support of my colleagues, who share a passion for making a difference, I am confident in our ability to effect meaningful change.