As at 31 March 2024, the Group had £585 million of US private placements, issued in 2011, 2013, 2018 and 2019. Outstanding amounts are:




Effective spread at issuance

Senior USD Notes 2025

$85 (£53m)

FY 26

Sonia + c173bps

Senior Notes 2026


FY 26

Sonia + c110bps

Senior Notes 2026


FY 26

Sonia + c119bps

Senior Notes 2025

$100m (£76m)

FY 26

Sonia +c134bps

Senior Notes 2025


FY 26

Sonia +c132bps

Senior Notes 2026


FY 27

Sonia +c135bps

Floating Senior Notes 2028


FY 29

Sonia +c140bps

Floating Senior Notes 2034


FY 35

Sonia + c148bps

Note - Effective spread is inclusive of any swaps entered into at issuance.

All of the private placements are subject to our unsecured covenants

Our policy is to have no material unhedged net assets or liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. We fully hedge the foreign currency exposure of any USD borrowings.