Ensuring that every decision taken by each of us every day is environmentally and socially intelligent, as well as making sound financial sense, is central to creating Places People Prefer.

We have developed our Sustainable Finance Framework to enable us to issue sustainable, green, and/or social finance. The framework aligns with the 2021 Green Bond Principles (with June 2022 Appendix 1), the 2021 Social Bond Principles (with June 2022 Appendix 1) and the 2021 Sustainability Bond Guidelines, as published by the International Capital Market Association (“ICMA”). 

The framework also aligns with the Loan Market Association’s (“LMA”) Green Loan Principles and Social Loan Principles which build on, and refer to, the Green Bond Principles of the ICMA. These principles support several of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

This Framework was last updated in February 2023 to align with British Land’s 2030 Sustainability Strategy. It is our intention to continue to develop the Framework as sustainable finance best practice develops. 

We may from time to time issue Green, Social and/or Sustainable bonds in line with the Framework. The Framework may also be used for other forms of finance including, but not limited to, Private Placements, Revolving Credit Facilities, Bank Loans and Commercial Paper. 

The net proceeds drawn/issued across these debt instruments will be aggregated and compared to the value of the Sustainable Portfolio defined, selected, tracked and reported on in accordance with the Framework.

British Land - Sustainable Finance Framework
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British Land Sustainable Finance Framework Assessment 6 February 2023
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British Land - Sustainable Finance Framework 2020
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British Land Sustainable Finance Framework Assessment 27 May 2020
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